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Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
TMS320 DSP Standard Interface for Negotiating DMA Resources
TMS320 DSP Standard Interface for Negotiating DMA Resources
TMS320 DSP Algorithm Standard (xDAIS) compliant algorithms designed for the ‘C64x+ EDMA3 controller must implement the IDMA3 interface to publish and acquire DMA resources they will use. The application framework DMA Resource Manager (DMAN3 is one reference implementation provided by the Framework Components) calls IDMA3 interface functions to query and subsequently allocate and grant the requested DMA resources. The IDMA3 interface is similar to the xDAIS IDMA2 interface in terms of its definition and role. IDMA3 introduces the notion of a logical DMA channels abstraction via a handle similar to that used in IDMA2.
DMA Transfer Configuration Settings
DMA Transfer Configuration Settings
The purpose of acquiring logical channel handles is to submit DMA transfer requests. Each submitted DMA transfer request specifies a source and destination memory region. A background DMA activity asynchronously carries out the copying of the contents of the source memory region to the destination.
The configuration setting of a logical channel is similar to the hardware register settings of the underlying EDMA3.0 hardware DMA device. However, each logical channel retains its configured DMA transfer settings. The most recently configured transfer settings at the time the ACPY3_start function is called apply to the asynchronously started DMA transfer.
Two properties of DMA transfers make them desirable and performance critical for algorithms:
The physical transfer/copy operation takes place in the “background” under the close control of specialized circuitry and controllers. This allows algorithms to issue transfer requests in advance and to perform other useful operations while data is being copied in the background.
The physical layout of source or destination DMA transfer blocks need not be a single contiguous chunk of memory. By setting a few channel configuration parameters, algorithms can specify complex layout patterns. This can lead to significant performance improvements even if the algorithm cannot take advantage of asynchronous execution and the CPU sits idle while waiting for the transfer to complete.
The unit of DMA transfer is a block composed of frames and elements. Each DMA transfer is submitted on a logical channel via the ACPY3_start function. The source and destination addresses for the blocks and the number of elements in each frame are now part of the channel’s configuration settings. The configuration parameters are intrinsic properties of each logical channel and are set exclusively when the algorithm calls ACPY3 configuration functions. The previously configured properties of each logical channel at the time of an ACPY3_start request determine the actual memory copied from source to destination. Each DMA transfer is characterized by the following list configurable attributes. (Figure 2 illustrates the memory layout of a DMA transfer block characterized by these configuration parameters). Note that the element and frame index parameters can be configured independently for both source and destination.
transferType. 1D-to-1D, 1D-to-2D, 2D-to-1D or 2D-to-2D
elementSize. The number of 8-bit bytes per element. The element size for ACPY3 transfers can be a variable number, 1 <= number <= 65535, whereas the IDMA2/ACPY2 specification required this to be either 1,2, or 4.
numFrames. The number of frames in a block, 1 <= number <= 65535.
SrcElementIndex and DstElementIndex. The offset in 8-bit bytes between the start addresses of two consecutive elements in a frame. Element indexes must be specified only when the source or destination is a 2D transfer. They are ignored for 1D transfers. Element indexes can be signed (i.e. negative) values in the range: -32767 <= number <= 32768.
SrcFrameIndex and DstFrameIndex 1. The offset in 8-bit bytes between the start addresses of the first elements of two consecutive frames. (NOTE: This corresponds to the AB-synched SRC/DST CIDX settings in the EDMA3.0 DMA parameters.) Frame indexes must be specified only when the number of frames > 1, otherwise they are ignored. Frame indexes can be signed (negative or positive) values in the range: -32767 <= number <= 32768.
numElements. The number of elements per frame, 1 <= number <= 65535.
srcAddr and dstAddr. 8-bit byte-addresses.
The purpose of acquiring logical channel handles is to submit DMA transfer requests. Each submitted DMA transfer request specifies a source and destination memory region. A background DMA activity asynchronously carries out the copying of the contents of the source memory region to the destination.
The configuration setting of a logical channel is similar to the hardware register settings of the underlying EDMA3.0 hardware DMA device. However, each logical channel retains its configured DMA transfer settings. The most recently configured transfer settings at the time the ACPY3_start function is called apply to the asynchronously started DMA transfer.
Two properties of DMA transfers make them desirable and performance critical for algorithms:
The physical transfer/copy operation takes place in the “background” under the close control of specialized circuitry and controllers. This allows algorithms to issue transfer requests in advance and to perform other useful operations while data is being copied in the background.
The physical layout of source or destination DMA transfer blocks need not be a single contiguous chunk of memory. By setting a few channel configuration parameters, algorithms can specify complex layout patterns. This can lead to significant performance improvements even if the algorithm cannot take advantage of asynchronous execution and the CPU sits idle while waiting for the transfer to complete.
The unit of DMA transfer is a block composed of frames and elements. Each DMA transfer is submitted on a logical channel via the ACPY3_start function. The source and destination addresses for the blocks and the number of elements in each frame are now part of the channel’s configuration settings. The configuration parameters are intrinsic properties of each logical channel and are set exclusively when the algorithm calls ACPY3 configuration functions. The previously configured properties of each logical channel at the time of an ACPY3_start request determine the actual memory copied from source to destination. Each DMA transfer is characterized by the following list configurable attributes. (Figure 2 illustrates the memory layout of a DMA transfer block characterized by these configuration parameters). Note that the element and frame index parameters can be configured independently for both source and destination.
transferType. 1D-to-1D, 1D-to-2D, 2D-to-1D or 2D-to-2D
elementSize. The number of 8-bit bytes per element. The element size for ACPY3 transfers can be a variable number, 1 <= number <= 65535, whereas the IDMA2/ACPY2 specification required this to be either 1,2, or 4.
numFrames. The number of frames in a block, 1 <= number <= 65535.
SrcElementIndex and DstElementIndex. The offset in 8-bit bytes between the start addresses of two consecutive elements in a frame. Element indexes must be specified only when the source or destination is a 2D transfer. They are ignored for 1D transfers. Element indexes can be signed (i.e. negative) values in the range: -32767 <= number <= 32768.
SrcFrameIndex and DstFrameIndex 1. The offset in 8-bit bytes between the start addresses of the first elements of two consecutive frames. (NOTE: This corresponds to the AB-synched SRC/DST CIDX settings in the EDMA3.0 DMA parameters.) Frame indexes must be specified only when the number of frames > 1, otherwise they are ignored. Frame indexes can be signed (negative or positive) values in the range: -32767 <= number <= 32768.
numElements. The number of elements per frame, 1 <= number <= 65535.
srcAddr and dstAddr. 8-bit byte-addresses.
Channel Privacy and Synchronization
Channel Privacy and Synchronization
Algorithms have exclusive ownership of each received logical channel and can operate safely without fear of external components (such as other algorithms or other system code) accessing the channel and issuing transfer requests or changing channel configuration settings. They must, however, follow the ACPY3 API to activate and deactivate each IDMA3 channel during instance activation and deactivation, respectively.
All synchronization calls are issued on a per channel basis, as opposed to a per transfer basis. An algorithm can issue either a blocking wait, or a non-blocking query call to synchronize with a logical channel’s completion status.
Algorithms have exclusive ownership of each received logical channel and can operate safely without fear of external components (such as other algorithms or other system code) accessing the channel and issuing transfer requests or changing channel configuration settings. They must, however, follow the ACPY3 API to activate and deactivate each IDMA3 channel during instance activation and deactivation, respectively.
All synchronization calls are issued on a per channel basis, as opposed to a per transfer basis. An algorithm can issue either a blocking wait, or a non-blocking query call to synchronize with a logical channel’s completion status.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
DSP chip’s important significance in our life
DSP chip’s important significance in our life
DSP also called digital siganal processor, it is a special structure of the microprocessor. The interior of DSP used the Harvard architecture that progarm and data separated, with special hardware multiplier, widely used in line operation, provide special DSP instructions, can be used to quickly achieve all kinds of digital siganl processing algorithms.
The modern science and technology product "heart" is chip, the DSP and the CPU is the two core technologies in the chip industry, the DSP for digital diganl processing, the CPU for computing capabilities.
DSP chip was widely used in many applications, such as the siganl processing, image processing, instrments, audio language, control, military, communication, medical, applicances.
Because DSP has great significance in our life, the decryption is needed in our life, we can crack all the series of DSP, If you have this need, please contact or visit
Tags: DSP crack, DSP break, DSP reverse, MCU crack, MCU reverse, MCU attack, microcontroller, chip, semiconductor, IC break, PCB clone
DSP also called digital siganal processor, it is a special structure of the microprocessor. The interior of DSP used the Harvard architecture that progarm and data separated, with special hardware multiplier, widely used in line operation, provide special DSP instructions, can be used to quickly achieve all kinds of digital siganl processing algorithms.
The modern science and technology product "heart" is chip, the DSP and the CPU is the two core technologies in the chip industry, the DSP for digital diganl processing, the CPU for computing capabilities.
DSP chip was widely used in many applications, such as the siganl processing, image processing, instrments, audio language, control, military, communication, medical, applicances.
Because DSP has great significance in our life, the decryption is needed in our life, we can crack all the series of DSP, If you have this need, please contact or visit
Tags: DSP crack, DSP break, DSP reverse, MCU crack, MCU reverse, MCU attack, microcontroller, chip, semiconductor, IC break, PCB clone
R8C family series MCU crack R5F212A crack
R8C family is a kind of 16-bit CISC MCU with high ROM effciency, low noise, low power consumption and high processing performance. Because it's rich timer function and various serial communication function built-in peripheral functions, the R8C Family apply to multiple applications. Mainly used in automotive electronics, audio equipment, home appliances, housing equipment (sensors, security systems), office equipment, industrial equipment.
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R5F21346 R5F21356 R5F21358 R5F2L367 R5F2L368 R5F2L387 R5F2L3A7
R5F363A R5F364 R5F3650 R5F562T R5F615 R5F61653 R5F6172 R5F64110 R5F6411 R5F6175 R5F6179 R5F6185 R5F6460
We can't all listed due to the variety of the R8C family model. More informaiton about R8C MCU crack, please contact or visit We provide whole R5F series MCU crack.
Tags: R8C family crack, R5F series MCU break, MCU reverse, IC attack, IC break, DSP crack, DSP break, CPLD decryption
R5F1006 R5F1007 R5F1008 R5F100A R5F100B R5F100C R5F100E R5F100F R5F100G R5F100J R5F100L R5F100M, R5F100P R5F100P R5F100S
R5F21102 R5F21103 R5F21104 R5F21112 R5F2113 R5F2114 R5F21122 R5F21123 R5F21133 R5F21134 R5F21142 R5F21143 R5F21144 R5F21152 R5F21153 R5F21162 R5F21163 R5F21164 R5F21172 R5F21174 R5F21206 R5F21207 R5F21208 R5F2120A R5F2120C R5F21216 R5F21218 R5F2121A R5F2121C R5F2121J R5F21227 R5F21228 R5F2122A R5F2122C R5F21236 R5F21237 R5F21238 R5F2123A R5F2123C R5F21244 R5F21245 R5F21246 R5F21247 R5F21248 R5F21254 R5F21256 R5F21257 R5F21258 R5F21262 R5F21264 R5F21265 R5F21266 R5F21272 R5F21274 R5F21275 R5F21276 R5F21282 R5F21284 R5F21292 R5F21294 R5F212A7 R5F212A8 R5F212AA R5F212B R5F212D R5F212H R5F212J R5F212K R5F212L
R5F21346 R5F21356 R5F21358 R5F2L367 R5F2L368 R5F2L387 R5F2L3A7
R5F363A R5F364 R5F3650 R5F562T R5F615 R5F61653 R5F6172 R5F64110 R5F6411 R5F6175 R5F6179 R5F6185 R5F6460
We can't all listed due to the variety of the R8C family model. More informaiton about R8C MCU crack, please contact or visit We provide whole R5F series MCU crack.
Tags: R8C family crack, R5F series MCU break, MCU reverse, IC attack, IC break, DSP crack, DSP break, CPLD decryption
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